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Nihi Sumba Horse therapy

Discovering Self and Adventure at NIHI Sumba: A Horse Therapy Journey with Retreat and Conquer

For my third journey to NIHI Sumba, I embarked on a transformative retreat organized by Retreat and Conquer. They specialize in providing horse therapy programs at some of the world’s most luxurious resorts, and I was eager to experience how working with horses could aid in making life-altering decisions.

Getting to NIHI Sumba

The resort at NIHI Sumba is known as “the edge of wilderness,” and though it may seem remote, getting there from Bali is a smooth process. The nearest airport is in Tambolaka, just a quick 60-minute flight from Bali.
Tip: Be mindful of the flight schedules with Nam and Wings, as they tend to cancel flights. Give yourself enough time before your international flight out of Bali if you’re departing on the same day. Wings and Citilink do not have business class options, but the flight’s brief duration makes this a minor inconvenience.

 Tip: Wing air charges extra for checked baggage, so pre-booking your luggage during check-in will save you money. Paying for baggage at the airport is more expensive.NIHI’s exceptional service begins even before you reach Sumba. As our driver pulled up to the Bali airport, we were immediately greeted by a NIHI representative, accompanied by four others who carried our bags and escorted us.

Tip: Make sure to request a window seat on the plane’s left side for breathtaking views of the Lombok and Sumbawa islands’ volcanoes from the sky.

They had already taken care of our check-in, so our bags were whisked away, and we didn’t have to worry about them until they appeared in our room on Sumba.

Tip: Don’t forget to grab a drink before boarding, as there is no in-flight beverage service.

NIHI Sumba transfer


flight to sumba

From Tambolaka to NIHI Sumba: A Seamless Transfer

When it comes to booking your airport transfer from Tambolaka to NIHI Sumba, I highly recommend the resort’s transfer service. The NIHI transfer is in an open-air bus reminiscent of an African safari, adding excitement to the journey and providing stunning views of the Sumba landscape.
However, for a more budget-friendly option, you can always arrange it yourself.
On my first trip to NIHI, I opted for the latter, eager to explore local villages after landing. Unfortunately, our pre-booked car with Explore Sumba was a complete disaster. The car was a no-show, but the helpful staff at NIHI came to our rescue and arranged another ride. Another option if you are looking for a reliable driver is Roi, who can be reached on WhatsApp at +6282247719970.

Tip: Tambolaka airport is unique in that it lacks any public transportation. To avoid any inconvenience, make sure to pre-book your transfer to the resort, either through a tour operator, directly with NIHI Sumba, or with Roi.

NIHI sumba transfer

Welcomed with Open Arms

Upon arrival at NIHI Sumba, we were greeted by a warm reception with a cold drink in hand. Our check-in process had already been taken care of in Bali, so we were free to enjoy a delicious lunch by the beach. Our personal butler, or “team captain,” escorted us to our villa and assisted us throughout the week.

NIHI Retreat and conquer TLT ph

Horse Therapy: A Journey Within

As someone with limited experience with horses and therapy, I was intrigued by the prospect of connecting with my inner self through horse therapy. And so I embarked on the 5-day Retreat & Conquer, followed by a 3-day resort stay to process the experience. Despite my beginner level of horse riding and therapy, I was ready to take a deep dive into my life and start the new year with a sense of introspection.
The journey of self-discovery and healing began on the first evening with the introductory session. Eight participants gathered to introduce themselves and share their intentions for the week. To my surprise, the group was open, honest, and vulnerable from the start, creating an instant bond of trust. We laughed, cried, and connected on a deep level, realizing the universal nature of emotions like hurt and grief. I was happy to have met the other participants and felt very optimistic about the week to come.
The retreat offered a range of techniques to help us explore our emotions and connections. We gathered for an intervention session every morning, starting the day with a sense of purpose and community. Other retreat modalities included sessions with the horses, pair work, group work, and one on one sessions with the therapists.

 Retreat and conquer horse therapy

Diving Deep with Structured Discussions

Each day at NIHI Sumba began with a powerful 60-minute intervention session in the lounge of the Mamole treehouse. Promptly at 7 am, we gathered to start the day with intention and community.
During the retreat, Andreas and Raoul, two experienced psychiatrists, moderated open discussions that were structured in a way to allow the group to explore any direction. Their years of experience allowed them to expertly guide the group through difficult discussions, creating a shifting frame for growth during each intervention. The first intervention set the stage for participants to choose to open up, introducing a range of emotions and establishing safety norms for exploring difficult feelings like hurt, anger, and jealousy. Thanks to the supportive and safe environment provided by Andreas and Raoul, I was encouraged to dive deep and explore my emotions, resulting in significant progress by the end of the retreat.

NIHI Retreat and conquer horse therapy review

The Majestic Setting of NIHI Sumba

The breathtaking location of NIHI Sumba served as an essential element of the retreat, offering a stunning backdrop of natural beauty that aided in navigating the emotions that surfaced. As we embarked on the interventions, we were given a choice to confront our emotions directly or not, but the awe-inspiring views unfailingly brought us back to the present moment. With endless stretches of beach, surrounded by ice fields and rainforests, the aesthetic of the location provided a perpetual reminder of the magnificence of life.

NIHI Mamole treehouse

NIHI sumba beach

The Power of Choosing Your Equine Partner

My journey with the horses at NIHI Sumba began with choosing an equine partner for the week. We sat on a hill by the beach, watching as the herd of horses came running toward us. I had the chance to interact with each horse and find “the one” that resonated with me. The interesting part came afterward, as I unpacked why I chose a specific horse and how our interactions with them made me feel. I was surprised by how hurt I felt when rejected by a horse that I was drawn to, revealing how much we project onto these creatures to make sense of ourselves.
Some horse therapy sessions were focused on group work, as we tackled tasks together with the horses in a pit. It was incredible to see how the horses mirrored our behavior, bringing to light the impact of group energy. When conflict and disagreement arose in the group, the horses started to fight, calming down as soon as we did. This moment was a powerful reminder of the impact of group energy and the importance of communication in building and maintaining relationships.
We were also asked to share something with our horse that we had never told anyone else, allowing for raw honesty and emotional openness.  The horses challenged our perspective, as we realized that even what can’t be seen could have a huge impact on others. One of the horse therapy benefits is that are effective communicators and empathic, helping us uncover personal feelings and emotions that we may not have expressed yet.

NIHI horse therapy review

NIHI Retreat and conquer horse therapy review

nihi sumba horse therapy

Uncovering Raw Honesty through Debriefing

The debrief sessions were about unpacking these experiences and understanding how we make decisions as a group, how we build relationships, set boundaries, and acknowledge others. People were much more candid about their experiences with the horses than they were about themselves, revealing how much deep insight can come from equine therapy and group debriefing.
NIHI Sumba is one of the few places in the world with a herd of semi-wild horses running on the beach, making it a perfect location for horse therapy retreats. Its stunning setting and the power of these empathic creatures provide a unique opportunity for self-discovery and emotional growth.

Embracing Self-Discovery with One-on-One Therapy

As part of the retreat, I was offered three personal therapy sessions with a psychotherapist from the Retreat and Conquer team. Before I arrived at the retreat, I had never done therapy, so I was unsure of what to expect. My first session was a video call before the retreat, during which we discussed what I wanted to focus on during the retreat. I had felt stuck in my personal and professional life and wanted to take this time to reassess my goals and priorities.
The in-person therapy session at the retreat allowed me to delve deeper into my thoughts and emotions, and I emerged from it with a clearer understanding of what I wanted to achieve. But what was even more impactful were the discoveries I made about past hurts and grief that I had unconsciously carried with me.

Sunset Reflections and Fire Ceremony

We would gather on the breathtaking beach at NIHI Sumba each evening for sunset discussions and bonfire ceremonies. On one night, we were paired up with another participant for a shared listening experience. The final night of the retreat was a powerful symbol of letting go as we wrote down what was no longer serving us and burned the postcards in the fire. By the end of the retreat, I felt more grounded and self-aware and was ready to embrace the changes I wanted to make in my life.

Tip: It’s important to remember that everyone responds differently to therapy, and not every technique will work for everyone. If you are the impatient type, some sessions might feel like a waste of time, but my advice is to stick through it and embrace all the experiences. You might be surprised by what comes up.

The variety of approaches used during the retreat allowed me to delve into my emotions and leave with newfound insights and a willingness to approach life differently.

NIHI Retreat and conquer horse therapy bonfire

Beholding the Beauty of NIHI Sumba

After the intense and transformative Retreat and Conquer horse therapy experience, we were able to unwind for three days at NIHI Sumba. This restful period gave me the space to process the emotions that had arisen during the retreat.
We spent our days lounging by the pool and soaking up the sun on the breathtaking beach. This pristine, unspoiled stretch of sand was the perfect place to go for a solo walk and reflect on the insights I had gained during the horse therapy retreat. The beach’s natural beauty and the ocean’s vastness provided a calming backdrop that helped me process my thoughts and feelings.
On my final beach walk, as I was making my way back to the resort, the horses were galloping along the shoreline, reminding me that it was time to say goodbye. I was surprised by how emotional I felt as I said farewell to Maya, the horse I had been working with throughout the week. This experience truly touched my soul, and I left NIHI Sumba feeling renewed and rejuvenated.

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Starting each day on a peaceful note, NIHI offers daily yoga classes at 7:30 am in a stunning pavilion overlooking the beach and resort. The experienced yoga teacher skilfully tailored the class to meet the needs of all students, making for a rejuvenating start to the day.

NIHI Retreat and conquer review

NIHI best beach in the world

Discovering the Heart of Sumba: A tour with the Sumba Foundation

NIHI supports the work of the Sumba Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to promoting health, education, and child nutrition. Guests of the resort are given the opportunity to make a positive impact by supporting the foundation’s efforts.
Embarking on an adventure to the lesser-known corners of Sumba, we hopped on a 4WD and set out to explore the Sumba Foundation projects. The journey took us across three rivers and onto the serene path less traveled.
The foundation operates five clinics across Sumba, working alongside the government to diagnose and treat malaria. With the government providing the medicine for free, these clinics have made a significant impact in reducing the incidence of malaria. In fact, the foundation’s efforts have led to a 93% decrease in some regions, resulting in the closure of two clinics.

Tip: The mosquitoes that spread malaria are most active from 6 am to 9 am and 6 pm to 9 pm, so be sure to use mosquito repellent during these times.

In addition to its clinics, the Sumba Foundation also supports seven schools by providing lunches twice a week and teaching English. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the foundation’s budget, causing a reduction in funding for school feeding programs.

NIHI Retreat and conquer TLT ca

NIHI Sumba foundation tour

NIHI Sumba foundation tour

NIHI Sumba foundation tour

Soothing Sundowner at NIHI Sumba

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, NIHI Sumba treated us to a memorable sundowner celebration. The horse race with the local kids was a highlight, showcasing their skills and abilities on horseback. And as the buffalos made their way down the beach, we were delighted to participate in releasing a few baby turtles, creating a festive and joyful atmosphere.

NIHI Retreat and conquer turtle release

NIHI turtle release

NIHI sunset food

NIHI Retreat and conquer horse therapy review

NIHI diner

Unwind with a Spa Safari Adventure

On our final day, we embarked on the NIHI Spa Safari, a journey to ultimate relaxation. We followed a scenic 2-hour walk through rice fields, forests, and villages to reach the spa, which is located on a peninsula facing crashing waves. The 18-hectare property boasts rice fields and bungalows, and once there, you can indulge in as many treatments as you’d like for 150 minutes. I opted for a scrub, hot stone massage, facial, and hair cream bath, leaving the spa feeling hyper-relaxed and glowing. So much so that we decided to spend the rest of the day there, soaking in the serene beauty.

Tip: bring good hiking shoes for the NIHI Spa Safari!

NIHI spa safari

NIHI spa safari

NIHI spa safari

Is Retreat and Conquer a holiday or a transformative journey?

The answer is both. This horse therapy week offers a unique blend of leisure and personal development, making it an unforgettable experience. Participants arrive as strangers but leave as friends, having shared deep and meaningful moments in the sessions. The horse therapy sessions are not to be taken lightly – they require 100% commitment and dedication from each participant. However, the effort is rewarded with profound growth and self-awareness. So if you are looking for just a beach holiday, this is probably not for you. If you want to take a deep look inside and are open to change, it is a formidable opportunity to work on yourself in paradise. The three days of relaxation after the retreat also helped me to come home fully rejuvenated.

Who is Behind Retreat and Conquer?

The retreat is led by the renowned psychologist and psychotherapist Andreas Liefooghe, who heads Operation Centaur, a world-famous horse therapy center. With over 20 years of experience in helping individuals overcome challenges ranging from anxiety to addiction, Andreas and his team have planned retreats in breathtaking locations such as the private Island of Mustique, NIHI Sumba, and the Abu Dhabi desert.

Reflections on my Retreat & Conquer Horse Therapy Experience

In conclusion, my journey at the Retreat and Conquer horse therapy program was nothing short of extraordinary. I had the opportunity to delve deep into self-reflection, connect with like-minded individuals, and indulge in the wonders of the NIHI Sumba resort. The serene and tranquil environment of the resort provided the perfect space for letting go and finding inspiration.
I highly recommend the Retreat & Conquer experience to anyone seeking personal growth and self-discovery. The unique bond formed between horses and humans is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
For more information about their upcoming retreats, visit the Retreat and Conquer website.

And for a comprehensive review of the NIHI Sumba resort, its rooms, food, and activities, be sure to check out my previous review of NIHI Sumba. If you’re interested in exploring the Sumba region, don’t miss my articles about West Sumba and East Sumba.

If you are looking for more inspiration on horse holidays, check out this Horse Riding Safari In Madhya Pradesh. This trek offers guests the chance to ride one of their thoroughbred or Marwari horses through forest reserves in search of spotted dear, wild boar, monkeys, and even the odd sloth bear or leopard.



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